Lana Svirezheva — Drawings, Paintings

Troy (2024) Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Collection of the Artist.
Palma (2024)  Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Available.
Oculus (2024) Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Available.
Warding off an Evil Eye (2024) Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Available.
Discussing how to Talk about the History of Antisemitism (2024) Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Available.
Manus (2024) Graphite on Paper, 297x 210 mm. Available.
Staffie, in Drewitz (2023) Oil on Linen, 645x945mm. Available.
Potsdamer Liebespaar #3 (2023) Oil on Linen, 850x600mm. Available. 
Self Portrait (2024) Oil pastel on Paper Mounted on Linen, Life Size. Available.  
Kumulipo (2021) Oil on Cotton, 250x200mm. Available. 
Four Suns, Kewalo Basin, Honolulu (2021)  Oil on Cotton. Private Collection.
Wise Words (2021) Oil, Seashell, and Charcoal on Cotton, 250x200mm. Available.
Potsdamer Liebespaar #2 (2023) Oilpastell, Screenprint, Acrylic on Paper mounted on Linen, 850x600mm. Available.
Madder Rapture (2017) Oil on Aluminium Dibond, 200x200mm. Collection of the Artist.
Aura Roig, in Dahlewitz (2023) Oil on Linen, 300x255mm. Available.
Herr K., im Finanzamt (2019) Oil on Linen. Private Collection.
Heba (2022) Graphite on Paper,  210x297mm. Available.
Pasemuckler Bube (2022) Colored Pencil  on Toned Paper, 210x148mm. Original Lost.
Pepper’s Parents (2022) Oil on Linen, d=200mm. Collection of the Artist.
Home Street Home (2021) Oil on Linen, 600x600mm. Available. 
Xavier (2023) Watercolor on Paper, 260x180mm. Available.
Memory Sketch, Venice. (2022) Graphite on paper, 105x148mm. Available.
Memory Sketch, Edinburgh. (2022) Graphite on paper, 105x148mm. Available.
Grandmother, New Year’s Eve (2017-18) Dimensions Variable, Digital Drawing. Prints available. 
Plein Air, Kewalo Basin (2021) Oil on Linen. Private Collection.
Self-Potrait as Pokémon Trainer with Crobat (2022) Oil on Wood, 200x150mm. Collection of the Artist.
Mother, Child, and Friend (2019) Oil on Linen,  2000x1500mm. Private Collection.
Encounter with Pinsir (2022) Oil on Wood, 200x150mm. Available.
Idiorrhythmic Self-Portrait (2018) Egg Tempera on Card mounted on Aluminium Dibond,  300x300mm. Available.
Journey of the Eye, after Georges Bataille (2018) Egg Tempera on Card mounted on Wood,  325x230mm. Available.
A Child’s Daydream (2018) Graphite on Paper, 80x90mm. Private Collection.
Ennui (2017) Graphite on Paper, 297x210mm. Private Collection.
Murex, Portrait of the Artist’s Mother (2017) Oil and Charcoal on Wood. Available.
Revolt of the Flesh, after Hijikata Tatsumi (2018) Egg Tempera and Metallic Colored Pencil on Card Mounted on Wood, 370x130mm. Available. 
Idiorrhythic Portrait of La Carmencita (2018) Colored Pencil on Paper, 300x300mm. Available. 
Installation View: Towards an Idiorrhythmic Portraiture (2018) Edinbugh Art Festival, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, UK.
Acid Småland, Glasgow (2017) Oil on Aluminium Dibond, 250x180mm. Private Collection. 
View Outside my Window (2017) Oil on Perspex and Aluminium Foil, 250x250mm. Private Collection.
Orans (2017-18) Oil and Oil Stick on Wood, 2330x1100mm. Available.
Union Canal (Envying Animals) (2018) Oil and Oil Stick on Wood, 2330x1100mm. Available.
Rosy Crucifixion (2018) Oil and Oil Stick on Wood, 2330x1000mm. Available.
Tenerife at 4AM (2018) Oil on Aluminium  Dibond, 200x200mm. Private Collection.
Prada (2017) Oil on Aluminium Dibond, 240x180mm. Private Collection.
Loveseat (2017) Oil Pastel on Monoprinted Paper. Collection of the Artist.
Artist Rory Russell overlooking Edinburgh (2016) Oil on Aluminium Dibond, 240x180mm. Private Collection.
Spirit (2017) Oil and Dry Leaves on Perspex, 200x200mm. Private Collection.
I’ve never had a Perfect Day. I cannot even imagine it. (2017) Oil Pastel on Monoprinted Paper. Private Collection.
Portrait of Artist Eoin McEvoy (2017) Oil on Aluminium Dibond, 240x180mm. Collection of the Artist.
Jared (2015) Oil on Wood, 120x80mm. Private Collection. 
Gergely (2014) Oil on Linen, Life Size. Collection of the Artist. 
Voices from the Windows, Azzano (2015) Oil on Aluminium Dibond Panel, 250x250mm. Available.
Lllanama and her Gummybear Friends (2014) Oil on Linen, 140x250mm. Available.
Self-Portraits at Nerdrum’s (2013) Oil on Wood, 150x150mm. Collection Florence Academy of Art/Sweden.
Odd Nerdrum’s Garden (2014) Oil on Linen, 300x400mm. Available.
Starscape (2014) Oil on Linen, 720x500mm. Available.
Principessa di Napoli, Plaster Cast Study (2013) Chalk and Charcoal on Toned Paper, 500x500mm. Collection L’Escargot, London.

Lana Svirezheva, about




Inquires about purchasing artworks, exhibition invitations, and art lessons welcome:
lana.svirezheva [at] gmail [dot] com

Subscribe to me on Instagram:


Als Künstlerin die in Kanada geboren wurde und deren Wurzeln in Schottland und England, Russland und der Ukraine liegen und die erst spät die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft angenommen hat, ist Lana Svirezheva stark für die Grenzen, Zwischenräume und Grauzonen der Gesellschaft sensibilisiert. Zusammen mit ihrer klassischen Malerei-Ausbildung und interdisziplinären Methoden ensteht so ein unnachahmlich figurativ-experimenteller Stil. Mit schwingenden, mäandernden Linien tastet Svirezheva sich an ihre Subjekte heran, ob aus dem Gedächtnis oder in Natura spielt hierbei eine untergeordnete Rolle, da ihr künstlerischer Prozess das bloß Wirkliche immer auch anreichert und in eine kritische Distanz zur gesellschaftlichen Norm setzt. Im Zentrum der Arbeiten stehen oft Menschen, die wenig gesellschaftliche Sichtbarkeit haben und deren Lebensweise und Ästhetische Identität gesellschaftliche Normen implizit hinterfragen. Der metabolische Einfluss von Wahrnehmung und Erinnerung führt dazu, dass die Figuren, entsprechend der Ästhetik des Manierismus und des Butoh-Tanzes, oft grotesk übzeichnet und dennoch zutiefst menschlich sind.

*1993 in Toronto, Kanada geboren

2010 Lehre beim Potsdamer Maler Olaf Thiede

2011 Absolvierte das High School Programm der John-F.-Kennedy-Schule Berlin mit einem Advanced Placement Scholar Award, mit Fokus auf Kunstgeschichte, Studio Art, und Deutsch

2011-2014 Studierte an der Florence Academy of Art in Italien und Schweden, mit Excellent Work Award abgeschlossen

2014 Lehre beim Maler Odd Nerdrum in Norwegen

2014-2017 BA (HONS) Painting, University of Edinburgh, Schottland

2017-2018 Masters of Science by Research, Interdisciplinary Creative Practices, University of Edinburgh, Schottland

2018 Einladung zur Life School der Royal Scottish Academy Ages of Wonder Ausstellung, unterrichtet von George Donald, Robert Rivers und John Byrne

2019-2021 Tätigkeit als Freischaffende Künstlerin in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Mitarbeit im WorldWideWalls Kunstkollektiv und Ausstellung im Bishop Museum.

2022 Dorfresidenz in Pasewalk, barbara caveng assistierend, Kulturlandbüro UER.

ab 2022 Tätigkeit als Freischaffende Künstlerin in Potsdam. Vorstand artifact e.V. Kunstkollektiv, Support Artists at Risk durch die Martin Roth Initiative


I am a German artist of Canadian, Scottish, Russian, Ukrainian, Lebanese and Jewish origin. After ten years of living and studying in Scandinavia, Scotland, Hawai'i, and Pomerania, I now work from the Rechenzentrum cultural center in Potsdam.

My artistic training spans academic techniques, art theory, as well as collaborative and interdisciplinary creative practices. In terms of imagery, I increasingly draw from memory with a focus on the physicality of people and animals. With far from photographic recollections, I draw my way to figures I saw only briefly and/or long ago, by focusing on highly individual, expressive gestures as starting points: A homeless woman massaging her foot, a boy’s double chin and toothy grin, a whippet’s slender head slipping out of its collar. Essentially, my drawings and paintings reflect on historical, social and psychological rhythms in the tradition of humanist artists such as Paul Holz.

* 1993 born in Toronto, Canada

2010 Apprenticeship with Olaf Thiede

2011 Graduated from the John F. Kennedy School Berlin with an Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Art History, Studio Art, and German

2011-2014 Studied at the Florence Academy of Art in Italy and Sweden, graduated with Excellent Work Award

2014 Apprenticeship with Odd Nerdrum in Norway

2014-2017 BA (HONS) Painting, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

2017-2018 Masters of Science by Research, Interdisciplinary Creative Practices, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

2018  Invitation to the Life School of the Royal Scottish Academy Ages of Wonder exhibition. Tutored by George Donald, Robert Rivers, and John Byrne

2019-2021 Freelance work in Honolulu, Hawai'i. Collaboration with WorldWideWalls and exhibit at the Bishop Museum

2022 Village residency in Pasewalk, assisting barbara caveng, Kulturlandbüro UER.

from 2022 working as a freelance artist in Potsdam. Chair of artifact e.V. art collective, Support for Artists at Risk through the Martin Roth Initiative